RV trip out west, teaser
>> Wednesday, August 30, 2017 –
I've had very little to post about this summer, and little time to seek out the details of the garden to even post about those. Last week though we took our second RV trip out west...
...so I actually have something to share! Sure, it won't be about my garden or any other -- unless you count Nature as the biggest garden (I do).
We first rented an RV back in August 2014. This year's trip was shorter in length but almost as long in distance traveled.
We chose more remote locations this time, as our lives are busier now and we needed quiet.
We saw much, which I'll be sharing in the next few posts.
If anybody can recognize either of the two rivers shown here I will send you a prize. The only hint I'll give is that both are in Colorado. Guesses in the comments!

I'm so jealous! We're in the middle of fixing up a pop-up camper so we can once again starting camping (with two dogs and a toddler now). Eventually we want to take a big road trip or two. Can't wait to see/hear about where you went!
Such peaceful scenes must be a nice change from your hectic schedule!
I remember your last trip as if it was this year! Gorgeous photos and great narrative. I look forward to this year. Sorry, though, I don't remember the names of those rivers. I think Snake for some reason, but I believe the Snake River is farther north in another state.
Colorado! That's a state I'd love to explore more. Can't wait to see your photos.
Never been to Colorado, but I'll venture an uneducated guess: the Arkansas River and Laramie River. Both pictures remind me of PNW scenery. Absolutely wonderful.
Um, the Colorado River? ;^) It does look peaceful. I hope you had a wonderful time!
Nature photos are always welcome in my book. I've only been to Colorado as a stopping point. I'd love to actually spend some time there exploring!
Nature's very own garden! Love it!
Beautiful, I'll guess Cache la Poudre River. Fewer tourists.
Such a beautiful state -- no ID/idea on the bodies of water!
Nice guesses on the rivers, but no winners. They are pretty unexciting names: the green river, and white river. I guess when you have so many pretty rivers the naming just doesn't matter. :)