Red Mushroom
>> Thursday, March 17, 2016 –
I spent several hours outside cleaning up the garden again yesterday, and toward the end of the day I noticed a unique color in this early spring landscape dominated by browns and greens: red!
It's a red mushroom! Perhaps "brick red" is the best description of the color, red with some brown. So pretty I had to go inside and get the DSLR, as the phone camera wasn't going to cut it!
I got some decent images with the phone camera too:
Especially since it could get underneath as the DSLR could not...
Anybody know what kind this is? It's not something that I've seen before as far as I can remember.
I love it though!
I have taken lots of other mushroom photos over the years -- have a look!

I love the color. I don't think I've ever seen a mushroom like that. Do you think it's edible?
That's weird looking. Google mushroom brings up nothing that looks like it. Missouri mushroom website the same, imho. I Google fungi, and sure enough it looks a fungi, but still no match.
That doesn't even look real!
It's a beauty!
I love mushrooms! It makes for such a wondrous sight when they appear seemingly out of nowhere! That's a pretty one, too!
Your mushroom most resembles a Reishi mushroom, but I'd go for a professional identification.
Wow, very unusual and beautiful!
how pretty! I hope it's not bad for the tree it's growing on.
Anon and Maywyn: I think you're right, although there are so many variations!
Renee: it's growing on a stump, so no worries there. :)