Digging the tropicals, finally
>> Wednesday, December 30, 2015 –
elephant ears,
Because it's been so mild, there has not been any urgency in digging up the tropicals. Yes I dug and brought into the garage some of the papyrus (Cyperus papyrus) and the upright elephant ears (Alocasia macrorrhiza) quite a while ago, but the plants with tubers or rhizomes I've not worried about. Elephant Ears (Colocasia esculenta and others) and various cannas have been fine out there -- the ground has not yet frozen.
With temperatures falling well below freezing and not coming much up above it again for a few days beginning tonight, I had to start some digging yesterday. Above is a bucket of mixed Colocasia tubers, straight from the ground.
Another bucket of one of my favorite dark red stemmed Colocasias, 'Sangria':
I planted this one out rather late last year so it didn't get as large as I had hoped, but there are still several good chunks I can plant next year.
A large tub of Canna 'Paton' too, one of my favorite cannas because of the way it holds its leaves:
All of these things are a muddy mess, so for me the first step is to clean them up a bit.
Into a bucket of water they go!
The mixed colocasia look so nice:
The water is quite muddy, but that doesn't matter.
The 'Sangria' went in next:
A few inches of muck is building up on the bottom of the water bucket, but this water is still fine for cleaning. The canna go in:
And come out:
I don't worry about trimming the roots, but I may do it a bit. Probably not.
I used to spray these things with water from the hose to clean them (when I did this earlier in the season before the hoses were all stored), but that wastes so much water. A couple of gallons in the bucket cleaned three different containers of the "roots". Much less mess too although I do wonder why I tackled this splashy job in the basement...
The remaining Canna 'Paton' chunk was much too large for the bucket so I wanted to chop it in half:
I couldn't find my spade though. I'm not sure if I left it outside in the yard somewhere, or if it got moved somewhere in the garage that I can't see it. (I've been rearranging and cleaning it, converting it into a workshop.)
No worries, as it's not like this task is finished yet. I still have the biggest Colocasia to clean:
Plus there are a dozen or so plants outdoors that I'll need to dig later today too.
I should point out that there's really no reason that I need to clean these other than it makes me feel better and creates less mess later. I've found that almost any way I store elephant ears and cannas over the winter results in survival. The only rule is that they must not freeze.

It seems like leaving them as you dug them out, dirty and in a bucket, would be less traumatic for the plants. Am I wrong on that?
GardenQueen: Maybe, but these are tough. I'd much rather have a clean tuber/rhizome to work with than have a bunch of crumbly dirt that will be falling off all winter long.
I'm too lazy to dig and clean so they're grown in pots that live in the greenhouse in the winter. The cannas go dormant and look a bit ratty in the winter but come back much earlier than those left in the ground outside.