>> Wednesday, August 7, 2013 –
Did you notice the survey on the right side of this page? Please vote! ----->
I'm really curious to know how often you're reading my posts. Please be honest -- you won't hurt my feelings!
I decided that adding an entry for "never" would not make sense. :)

I look at Blogger stats and Google Analytics for an idea of visitor count. There are as many, methinks, that don't show up in either counts.
I use those too, but it doesn't tell you about regular visitors -- hence the poll. :)
I used to read your blog daily in Google Reader, now I've switched to NetVibes which seems to have a horrible delay (4 hours or so after a blog post is published it shows up on my reader). Still it's there and I eventually see it and read it. I only open your actual blog though when I need to comment.
I feel bad, but alas, I'm in the once in a while pool. Not really for any reason that I've been absurdly busy this year. You're not alone though, I've even been neglecting my own blog! :P
Blotanical is disfunctional, and Google Reader has fallen by the wayside, and I haven't had time to assemble a blog reading list elsewhere. I'm hoping once things settle down here at the end of summer to get organized again though. I really do enjoy reading your posts!
I'm using Feedly as my Google Reader replacement. So far so good and I do like the interface both on the computer and the mobile version.
I said once in a while, but it's more like I go in streaks of reading every day once in a while.
I look at most of them, but not everyday. I haven't had enough time to do much blogging myself nor have I really come up with that many interesting ideas that I haven't already touched on, but I'll try to get some more nice blogs up too.
I'm still here! Not saying anything but I do read you every day :)
This is my first visit to your blog; I came because you are on Rhone Street's blog list, and the title of your latest, "Thanks Neighbors," intrigued me.