The rain returns
>> Thursday, May 20, 2010 –
After only a day and a half of sunshine, the clouds returned yesterday afternoon, and the rain started up again as soon as it got dark. So today there's nothing to do but watch the garden through rain-spotted windows.
My list of garden chores grows and grows, yet all I was able to do during our brief dry spell was mow the lawn. At least I was able to do that much.
So now it's back to weeding, and although there are plenty left to pull and there's some satisfaction to be gained from de-weeding a bed, it's just not something I like doing day after day after day.
Bamboo seen through the water drops is fine, but I'd rather be outside looking at it up close!
I know I'll be wishing for clouds and rain sometime in the near future... possibly even this weekend as it's forecast to be sunny with highs in the upper 80's.
Right now I just want the sunshine to come back...
...and give all of my sun-loving plants a chance to soak up some rays, use all of this rainwater, and do some growing!