Too much?
I always let some "weeds" grow in my yard and garden, and one of the best -- especially for late-season blooms -- is, well, I've forgotten what it is. I think it's Late Boneset (Eupatorium serotinum) but it could be White Snakeroot (Ageratina altissima).
Whatever it is, it provides pollinators with early autumn flowers, and I like seeing all of that white out there. I think this year I went a little overboard with it though.
It filled in the area around the pond nicely:
I was happy not to have to choose anything to plant here.
So out of hand this year. (click for bigger version)
Well, at least the wildlife was happy, right?
These photos were from a couple of weeks ago. They're all faded seedheads now that probably won't get cut down before releasing seed. Sigh.

Too much? Where did you learn this silly word combination? Looks full and exuberantly planted and happy wildlife is an added bonus!
Green and white is a very elegant combo. I think you did good. Happy pollinators are a nice bonus.
Reseeding is perfect option for repeat performance, especially if you don't wan to "choose anything to plant" in that area; let nature take it's course. Make gardner AND pollinators happy.