New trellises
I've been working on a trio of trellises for a client. Thought you'd like to see what I came up with, even though they're not for my own garden.
The construction was a bit more of a challenge than expected, but luckily there was no pressing deadline and I could take my time to figure things out. (If you follow @nimblemill on Instagram you will have seen a few of these already)
It would be a matched trio of cedar trellises with screened panels. The frames went together pretty easily...
...but getting the screen panels in was tough!
They're a bit too tall for my workshop too:
Was glad to get them outdoors and stained!
(Bamboo makes every project look better I think)
Here are all three against my house, waiting to be installed:
You can see that the middle trellis is different, reversed from the other two:
Here is the first one installed:
Much better having these in a garden than in my workshop!
I have another trellis design that I hope to reveal in the next week or two -- I'm saying this here to force myself to get it done!

Gorgeous! I love the hardware cloth and geometric design. Its a nice background for plants to spruce up the landscape.
Very nice indeed!
Very nice. Are they meant to have plants climbing up them? Because they are equal to any garden art and could be a stand alone feature. Looking forward to seeing the second design.
Very nice! What will they grow on them do you know?
I don't know if it's just me, but none of the photos display. I've tried all morning.
I finally was able to see your photos. I love these trellises. So much nicer than anything you can buy commercially.
Very cool!