Pachpodium keeps providing
>> Monday, October 10, 2016 –
The Pacypodium lamerei just keeps going. Blooming for months, providing shelter for a growing mantis (since moved on), and now, well...
...more of the same. With a little surprise.
The blooms are not perfect...
...but keep on coming.
They do create a bit of a mess on the foliage though, but somebody has used those brown blobs of detritus to their advantage.
Did you spot it in the photo above?
Here's another clue:
One of the big spiders that makes autumn so exciting in the garden has decided that the spiky trunk is the perfect spot to wait out the days:
It looks remarkably like the blobs of brown petals stuck to the foliage!
Not when it's out in its web of course, as I saw the next morning:
I'm just thankful that it spun its web someplace out of the walkway!
I'll have to check this plant thoroughly when I'm ready to bring it into the house. I surely don't need a huge spider climbing down me as I wrestle this spiked beauty into its winter resting spot!

Great photos
I'm glad the spider doesn't resemble a bagel with tomato slices and feta cheese. :)
This is one amazing plant on so many levels! The flowers remind me a lot of oleanders. I did a quick Google search, and they're in the same family.
Spiders are such cool creatures but you're right, you don't need one falling on you as you wrestle your plant back inside for the winter. What a great plant!