Monday Miscellany
So many random things happen and fill up the phone storage, sometimes it's fun to just go back through and take a look at what I've forgotten to share.
Like this combo of trees in my stepson's yard. They're technically the neighbor's trees, but what a visual delight (taken in late June when it felt like early August already).
Even better when put into context of the greenery and blue sky:
Anybody know what the tree with the yellow blooms is? The red one is a fantastic Acer palmatum that must be 30 years old or more.
I spent a lot of time working on projects for a client this summer, but was waiting to share photos with you after the garden was finished. Since the client was doing most of the plant-related work herself and broke her arm after a fall, the garden got delayed by a few months. So I thought I'd share my contributions even though things are very much still a work in progress (except for my part, which is finished).
I built two pergolas, one about 1/2 the size of the other, two simple planter boxes, and two benches. This photo only shows one of the pergolas and planter boxes, but the other two are very similar.
I also designed and built her a new fence section and gate:
She wanted a simple, open design. I think it turned out quite well -- she's certainly happy with it!
I may also be digging a small pond for her later this summer, but we'll see.
This bridge at a park near my childhood house in suburban Chicago once supported car traffic, but is for bikes and foot traffic only now. Pretty!
As was the water flowing underneath it:
The creek was much more muddy when I was a child. It's not exactly clear now, but few rivers/creeks in this part of the country are.
Also seen a few blocks from mom's house was this:
This front garden is so out of place here, it would have been perfect for one of Loree's WWTT? posts (What Were They Thinking?) I think these people want to live in California...
This is why I get so nervous about mowing the lawn after I've let it go for a month or more (because of lack of rain):
Turtles hide at the edges of the lawn. I'll have to scout around before I mow each section. Turtles are some of my garden's premiere inhabitants!
Finally, a look at my front garden from a different angle:
It looks better in person I think, as the photo doesn't capture it well. I especially like the dead branch in the bed under the tree -- classy!
I'm hoping the rest of this week won't be so random, but we'll see...

Yeah for random photos. Not every posts needs a coherent narrative.
I love all the work you did in your client's yard. Is that white plastic sheeting lining the inside of the planter boxes?
That front yard with the white rocks is truly WTFWTT!
I like your miscellany, and continue to be in awe with your creativity and woodwork skills!
Gerhard: yes, white plastic. Just to give a few more years of rot protection.
Mark/Gaz: Thank you!
Looks like you and your client are a great garden match! Hopefully you'll. Get to go back and take more photos when things are "complete"?
And yes...OMG WWTT? Forget California. More like a bad movie set.
The yellow-blooming tree: Koelreutheria paniculata
Your woodworking and design skills continue to impress me, not to mention your way with plants! Thanks for sharing your work - Love the pergola! OMG the raised gravel beds - ykies! Oh well, to each his own vision of eden.