Looking good
>> Tuesday, May 3, 2016 –
bamboo shoots,
No time for more than a quick look at a few views of my garden that are looking good despite my lack of effort this spring.
Starting with this little vignette from the walkway garden. That ribbon grass (Phalaris arundinacea I think) was a good addition to the pot this year, don't you agree?
The 'Zephirine Droughin' rose is finally coming into its own this year...
...but really needs some support. I'll get on it soon!
My favorite combo in the front yard is provided by a couple of bamboos, a clematis, and some volunteer allium:
In the backyard my ferny areas are so nice right now. Under the deck:
And then next to the patio:
In fact, let's see a wider shot of the patio:
Ah. So restful! If only I had time to sit around and rest right now...
The 'Niobe' clematis climbing the deck support is such a great color:
And finally, what's a look around my spring garden without seeing some bamboo shoots?
Now we're talking!
Hope things are looking good in your gardens!

That's what I love about perennials, they can take care of themselves... to a point of course. You are way ahead of me, your weather must be pretty warm, to have so much blooming. Everything looks great!
Isn't it nice to know that the garden takes care of itself when you're too busy? I'm always grateful for that.
Your plants are looking great. It's always interesting seeing your bamboos. Your Zephrine Drouhine is really pretty. How long has it been growing there? I planted one last year. It didn't bloom at all last year, but added several long arching canes. This year each cane has a lot of buds on it. I can't wait to see it in bloom. It is mostly in the shade with just light sunlight. If it has any thorns, there aren't many. I am hoping it truly is a repeat flowering rose. Has yours had repeat flowering in past years? The thornless canes of the Zephrine make me happy. If the one I have now does well, I'll be planting a couple more of them in the yard next year.
Beautiful! I agree that it's great when your garden takes care of itself when your busy... And then you can still appreciate those great views!
Your garden is looking fabulous! The ferny area has filled in really well since you re did it. Who doesn't love bamboo?