Taste of spring, finding another surprise
>> Thursday, February 18, 2016 –
With three days of spring-like temperatures arriving starting today, I dragged the potted walking stick bamboo (Chimonobambusa Tumidissinoda) out of the garage.
It's been outdoors for most of the winter, but I brought it in whenever low temps were forecast below about 25ºF (-4ºC). Since it was down to single digits F just a few days ago, it's been
Nothing cheers me up in winter like bamboo leaves backlit by sunlight!
I've moved this pot a few times since summer, but today was the first time that I noticed something hidden by the big rim of this container:
It was...
...another mantis egg case!
It was stuck here...
...just under the rim. That's the "glue" residue left there.
It may be damaged, as it seems to be a darker color and may have been pecked by a bird.
I put it in the refrigerator with the others though -- you can see that it's quite a bit darker than the previous finds (it's on the left).
So many baby mantises will be hatching this June! Certainly there are many more hidden throughout the garden too. Exciting!

I hope the mantises appreciate how well you care for their offspring! And the bamboo backlit is very pretty.