Working on shade: new plants!
>> Friday, July 3, 2015 –
Coming back from a physical therapy session (pesky shoulder pain!) I drove past SummerWinds nursery and decided to stop. As I said when I posted about this nursery, I don't get out here too often so I took advantage of the situation. The nearly-empty parking lot said I was going to have the place to myself on this drizzly day.
My goal was to find shade-loving plants that would help me continue my work on the bed under the maple. I've placed the plants in the photo above -- did you notice?
Both of these plants are in the Dan Hinkley collection from Monrovia. The first is Pachysandra axillaris 'Windcliff Fragrant':
The only Pachysandra I was familiar with before seeing this beauty was the overused (and thuggish) Pachysandra terminalis or Japanese pachysandra.
This looks nothing like that plant, and apparently blooms in spring and fall with fragrant white flowers that look to me like those of witch hazel from the photo on the plant tag.
Should I worry that the tag says it grows 4-6" (10-15cm) tall, but the plant is already taller than that?
The second shade plant was pretty irresistible to me with its dark, glossy leaves:
Sichuan Jade Solomon's Seal (Disporopsis pernyi 'Sichuan Jade'). Here's a photo from above:
Has interesting stems too, although I'll never see those:
This one is listed as growing to 12" (30cm) tall, slowly spreading.
I'm not sure that behind the pot is the best spot for this one...
Looking at them from this other side, it's difficult to envision without the pots:
I have to say that the oakleaf hydrangea is looking fantastic this year!
That's Hydrangea quercifolia 'pee wee' if I remember correctly. For some reason the deer didn't prune it as heavily this year, or maybe it's just finally spreading enough (through suckers) that it's making an impact.
Another angle:
I picked up a couple of other plants too, both sun lovers:
A good-sized Artemesia 'Powis Castle'. Even though I have two other specimens of this plant already I couldn't resist because I love this plant!
I noticed from a couple of tables away something that looked familiar and got my heart pounding a little....
...Yucca rostrata 'Sapphire Skies'. How exciting! I don't find these locally very often, especially at this price. Wait, what price?
You may remember that I said that this nursery's prices were quite high. If you don't remember or didn't read that other post I'll just let you know: this place is expensive! Why did I buy four plants then?
They were all on sale for 50% off their regular prices! I spent a total of $40, so $10 per plant was quite a bargain I think.
Glad I stopped!
Bonus image of the walkway with the maple bed in the background right:
I snapped this because I'm quite happy with this part of the walkway right now. So pretty!

Nice haul and great selection of plants! And you'll love that Disporopsis more and more each year, as it gets taller and is evergreen too!
Yay!!! Yucca rostrata bargains, nice haul.
I think sometimes the higher prices mean better plants. Good choices.
You got some great plants! Hope your pesky shoulder pain (sorry. Hope you heal soon!) doesn't keep you from planting them all!
I agree, nice haul!
If I can give you some advice regarding those Yucca rostrata: Put them in the ground. They'll grow MUCH faster in the ground than in pots. I didn't know that either until I planted one. Two years later it's twice the size as the others that stayed in pots (they were initially the same size).
Good shopping, Alan. The only one I know is the Yucca--it's a fine plant.
Get your shoulder all well again--you have gardening (not work) to do!
Thank you! The shoulder pain is not enough to keep me from doing most things, so gardening has continued.
Gerhard: I've had three small Yucca rostratas die on me in the ground (over winter), so I'm a little wary of planting it. Perhaps I'll do that but cover it this winter to keep it dry...