New evidence: I started early!
>> Tuesday, November 18, 2014 –
I've written about my start in gardening before, where falling trees in my yard created impromptu planting beds, and the bug bit me. That was around 2002, maybe a year or two earlier. So I've been a gardener for about 15 years or so. Or so I thought.
Newly-discovered evidence has proven that my gardening started earlier than the year 2000. Much earlier indeed!
Super 8 home movies recently digitized by my sister show that (above) being in the "garden" made me very happy even before I could dress myself. They also show that...
1) I have always had an obsession with keeping the walkways clear:
(Could anything be further from the truth?)
2) I have often been fascinated more by what I find on leaves than by the leaves themselves:
3) Things that grow in cracks have always been special to me:
4) I have unassailable skill with garden tools:
(It sometimes feels like I'm still holding the rake this way)
5) I know how to rest once a job is finished:
6) And congratulate myself for a job well done:
7) Contrary to what I just said above in number 5, I really have a hard time stopping once I get started in the garden:
To get the full impact of my self-realization, you must watch the video. There's no soundtrack and it's certainly not HD-quality, but you'll see the love of plants and garden that we all share I think:
This was all filmed in my grandparents' tiny Chicago backyard at 2815 N Mason Ave (if you want to see what it looks like now). I don't think the peonies are still there, and where did all of the big street trees go? Grrrr.
Does anybody else have any gardening "roots" discoveries to share?

Adorable! You learned to walk early as well as garden early. Thank you to your sister!
My father is from a farming family. I remember leftover tiny celery plants I dug holes for with one tiny finger.
So cute! I especially liked the way you adjusted the peony to make sure it was just right.
You look so adorable Alan! So nice that you have this video and for sharing it with us, the inclination and signs of a gardening passion certainly are visible early on! Gaz has had an early start just like you, as for Mark...much later :))
This is great! You're so lucky to have this footage.
Pretty cute stuff! You've got me remembering two films of my youth that were of similar quality. In one I'm pushing my "baby" (doll) carriage across my parents back yard and it tips over, I begin to cry and it just gets louder and louder.