Making more space, permanence
I realized something late last week: my walkway planting beds need to be wider. They also need more permanence, or year-round interest, as they're quite barren in the winter.
So I decided to do a little turf removal, some plant shopping, and I think I did something good.
We'll open with a few looks at the bed before my digging started:
Things are looking a bit thin right now, as some of the previously-dominating plants like Artemesia 'Powis Castle' took a big hit this winter and will take a couple of months before they fill their allotted spaces again. Things look more full form certain angles:
I'm filling in with some seedlings -- I've got no shortage of volunteers this year -- but resisting the urge to plant everything I have. Things need a bit of space, or they will come July. Patience.
As for permanence, I realized that I really like the dark ninebark in the back garden. Wouldn't a dwarf version look fantastic here in the front?
Why yes, yes it would! This is 'Little Devil' ninebark, small, bushy, beautiful.
I essentially doubled the width of this bed, filling in with annuals -- cannas to start with. I'm sure I'll add more perennials (and annuals) as the summer progresses a bit.
I realized that the butterfly bush (Buddleia davidii) -- another dwarf variety -- that I planted earlier this year needed more space, so I moved it back a foot or so:
It's difficult to judge where things should go early in the season when very little has emerged. You think I would know this by now. Too eager to plant I guess. I gave the ninebark the space it needs, as it's easier to plan at this time of year, at least for me.
Oooh, that's going to look so nice in a month or two!
I just hope that 'Little Devil' stays as small as it's supposed to (3-4' tall and 3' wide).

We planted a dwarf butterfly bush in our front bed, and actually considered the dwarf nine-bark. The dark leaves get lost in the spot we wanted it, though. But it sure is pretty!
Nice to see a buddleja amongst your planting! Looking good already and will get even better and fill in nicely in the weeks to come.
How much grass do you still have left?
This is how it happens... little by little gardeners enlarge their planting areas until there's more bed area than grass area -- or maybe no grass at all! (Although I still think small, well-trimmed grass areas enhance the look of planting beds.) Looks good!
Steve: In front, not too much -- less than 10 minutes of mowing. The back has a bit more, mainly because of the sewer easement that remains largely unplanted.
Garden Fancy: I can rarely use the description "well-trimmed" on my lawn areas. ;)
Nice! But your birdfeeder is still empty!
LostRoses: the chipmunk is still around, so the birds are neglected a bit.
More planting space and less grass is ALWAYS good. I like what you chose. I have several dwarf buddlejas, and one ('Buzz') has remained really compact at approx. 3 ft.
I love Little Devil! I've used it a bunch and it does stay small - maaaybe gets 4' wide. It keeps a nice vertical branching structure and doesn't get all leggy like other Ninebarks.