Peony Potential
It's an exciting time for me, as my garden is about to have peony blooms in it for the first time ever!
These little globes, full of potential, covered in ants.
Just look!
Do you have anything in your garden that you're particularly excited about this spring?

What's the story on ants and peonies, anyway? Marvelous photos, as usual.
Excited about something in the garden this spring--some talk about an El Nino this coming winter.
Hoover: Thank you! There are many theories about ants and peonies, but my feeling is that the little ant feet tickle the peony blooms into smiling open. ;)
(I really think they're just drinking the nectar.)
Ants on Peonies, I wonder now if the blooms have a sweet flavour to it :)
Okay I am used to seeing ants in the open peony blooms but when they're closed up that tight? That's new to me!
Exciting in my garden? In Southern New Jersey USDA 7a, my bambusoides that lost all of it's leaves is regrowing leaves on most culms. No new shoots yet, but new leaves is exciting! Extreme winter didn't kill it. No new leaves on the black bamboo, but lots of new shoots to replace them. :)