Mulching, planting, chores
>> Saturday, October 26, 2013 –
A short post on a busy day. Although we had our first freeze the other night, temperatures will be in the lower 60's F today so it's a good day to get more fall chores done outside.
For instance, mulching. The free community mulch pile is just what I need...
...because I just don't like the idea of paying for "good" mulch just to fill some bamboo trenches:
So I'll be making a few trips out there today to ensure that these trenches are well-filled.
An empty trench is not only ugly, but a bit dangerous.
Don't worry though, I saved some time to visit a local nursery or two to pick up some half-priced plants! I'll show you those tomorrow.
Now, get to work out there!

I forgot to mention that these photos were taken with my no-longer-cloudy iPhone camera. :)
How did you de-cloud your iPhone lens???
Busy day for me too. Lots of non-photogenic chores.
I removed the back cover then pried out the little plastic lens cover assembly -- that was the thing that was scratched. Now the lens is exposed to the world, but at least I have a camera I can use. I may get a replacement cover part if I find that the lens is too hard to dust off.