>> Friday, February 1, 2013 –
I happened to snap a photo of something exciting last week:
Notice anything unusual about this? The photo is a bit shadowy, but take a close look.
Yep, it's a finch actually using the finch feeder!
I recently wrote about how I can't seem to get them to eat from the feeders anymore. Then one morning I saw a titmouse land on the screen feeder, give it a couple of pecks, then fly off. A minute later the goldfinch landed -- it must have been watching from a nearby branch, right?
This is what I usually see:
The house finches just using the "regular" feeders. You've got a whole feeder to yourself guy -- please use it!
There's hope yet for finch feeding in my garden this year!

Awesome Alan! Then finches are so cool ... such vibrant colors! I had about 10 females all feeding at once the other day. Do you ever get woodpeckers? They are another favorite! -jeremy
Maybe there was something off with the seed you were using. I had a similar problem - loads of finches, then nada. I've seen an uptick of late but still nothing like the numbers I used to see. I stopped buying the uber-expensive Nyger seed, though, which may account for a lot in my own case...
In my experience the goldfinches, and most of the other birds, seem to follow mysterious patterns in terms of their feeding practices.