This weekend I noticed that there were a couple of interesting seed heads in the garden, so I spent some time photographing them in the balmy weather. I ended up with a lot more photos than I thought I would, so I'm breaking this into two posts.
Today I'll cover the back yard, and tomorrow we'll look at what seeds are in the side and front yard.
I'm also going to label all of these plants -- which is rare for me. It's something I really want to do more of from now on though.
On with the show!
Allium tuberosum (garlic chives) |
Ratibida columnifera (Mexican hat) |
Sorghum vulgare (Red Milo, I think -- grew as a birdseed weed) |
Datura inoxia |
Monarda didyma (Bee Balm) |
Panicum virgatum Calamagrostis acutiflora
Pennisetum alopecuroides |
Buddleia davidii (buttefly bush) |
Chasmanthium latifolium (wood oats) |
Ageratina altissima (white snakeroot) |
Rose hip
Miscanthus sinensis |
Miscanthus sinensis |
I don't understand gardeners who cut down their perennials and other herbaceous plants in autumn as a rule (excepting problems with disease or to curb reseeding).
Why deprive yourself of such a wonderful show?
. know how I love seed heads! I've never understood that compulsive need to "tidy up" the garden in miss out on so much beauty.
Does this mean tons of little seedlings come spring?
Ricki: yes, lots of seedlings each spring. Manageable for the most part though. Plus I don't always remember to grow some of these plants myself -- it's nice to have some automatically grow each year. :)