A taste of autumn
>> Saturday, October 13, 2012 –
Okay, I reluctantly admit that autumn is here. There are too many signs to ignore.
Here's a taste of early autumn in my garden.
Most of the large trees in my yard aren't overly impressive with autumn leaf displays. The Silver Maple sometimes gets a touch of red on the leaves near the ends of branches before the rest of the tree turns yellow.
The lady's thumb (or some similar species) grows in drifts every year. I've stopped trying to eradicate it:
I just don't understand why the deer don't eat rose hips. They eat everything on this plant, but not the most beautiful and nutritious parts:
See, I told you most of the leaves in my yard were nothing special:
Acorns in truck bed, compliments of my neighbor's tree. No complaints -- I love acorns!
The mulch of deciduous leaves really make the still-green bamboo leaves stand out:
This is why I have so many garlic chives everywhere: I can never bring myself to deadhead:
Miscanthus "flowers" before they get too fluffy. I think I like them fluffy better:
Another Silver Maple leaf about to fall:
Are there any pretty signs of autumn in your garden yet?
(Wait, did I say summer was gone? Back over 80ºF (27ºC) today. Nice!)

I agree about the Miscanthus...while the red phase is nice, I love the big, fluffy seed heads even more. The trees in our neighborhood are kind of variable as far as autumn color goes. Last year was the frist year since we lived here that the Oak trees turned a nice, gold color...the other two years, they just sort of turned brown...booo! I'm not sure what the specific weather conditions were that caused the good autumn color, but I'm crossing my fingers we get it again this year.
I don't deadhead my garlic chives either.
I'm lucky in that there's the witchhazel up the hill turning yellow, the Red and White Oaks out back will turn a rusty read, the Crepe Myrtle will turn red, orange and yellow- it's starting already- and the Tulip Poplar next door turns an orange-red. My Wisteria is turning yellow.
There's also a Dogwood in the back neighbor's yard- it's a burgandy red already. Mine isn't any where big enough to look that gorgeous yet}:)
And acorns... huge, 1" long and nearly that round, are everywhere.
Although... I had a Wild Violet blooming a few days ago. That was bizarre, they generally only bloom in the spring.
Your site is my very favorite to look at on my phone in the mobile version - the pictures make it like a little photo album in my hand!
Love the acorns too! Your autumn garden looks fabulous!