Nice collection. I've had they yellow and red type of tulip as long as I could remember and they put out pretty much the same exact number of flowers every single year so they work as a pretty good perennial. Mine should start blooming in 2 weeks
Thanks for the nice comments! I should point out that there are only a few of each of the five different tulip varieties in bloom right now, with loads of daffodils. So far no issues with deer. :-)
Marie: I'm probably not going to MOBOT anytime soon, so will most likely miss the spring display of blooms. Sorry!
March Can Be Pretty
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fickle and u...
The Carhart Garden, during the '24 Garden Fling
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Hayefield Happenings – December 2024
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half of it. The first part of the growing season was so promising, but then
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Wednesday Vignette – horsemen and horseshoes
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felt I’ve had much of interest to say. Maybe I still don’t. Instead I have
Spring is a wonderful time for all gardeners but particularly so for desert
gardeners. It is the season of spectacular bloom brought on by winter
rains. I ...
Immatures and Migrants! 9-1-23
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So, what's up?
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What Next?
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A yea...
Moving Mountains
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as this post progresses. For the astute few that still check in on our blog
Wow, I've rarely seen such beautiful tulip photos.
Yum, I'll take the orange one please!
Nice collection. I've had they yellow and red type of tulip as long as I could remember and they put out pretty much the same exact number of flowers every single year so they work as a pretty good perennial. Mine should start blooming in 2 weeks
I am a huge fan of orange parrot tulips. This is a stunning collection. Are yours in bloom already?
Can't wait to see the photos from the Missuri Botanical Garden.
If this was going on in my garden right now I'd be running around saying "Wow, wow, wow".
It's all about tulips here too.
Beautiful! Your mallow seeds are on their way! Mailed them yesterday ;)
Thanks for the nice comments! I should point out that there are only a few of each of the five different tulip varieties in bloom right now, with loads of daffodils. So far no issues with deer. :-)
Marie: I'm probably not going to MOBOT anytime soon, so will most likely miss the spring display of blooms. Sorry!