Cold kills the plants
>> Tuesday, November 9, 2010 –
winter damage
After our hard freeze Friday night (25ºF), most of the annuals and non-hardy perennials saw their brief lives end. Saturday I took a walk around -- after it warmed up a bit -- and surveyed the damage.
It wasn't pretty. Go to bed with green leaves, wake up to brown.
The Salvia coccinea (Scarlet sage) leaves always turns such a dark, dramatic color -- it's almost black:
The cypress vines have that dark, limp, cooked lettuce look to them:
As do the snail vine (vigna caracalla) leaves:
and the hyacinth bean vine, although this one doesn't look too bad:
Trust me, it's dead. At least the seedpods are still attractive. In fact, here's another set:
Elephant ears are done now, but I mulched the roots so I can still dig them up and store them in the garage now that they'll be dormant:
The Mexican bush sage (salvia leucantha) has had it too, although the flowers will hold their color for a little while:
I mulched this one as well, as I still want to dig it up and store it too. (Where exactly am I going to find all of the room to store these I wonder?)
The castor beans are completely fried now:
As are the tradescantia zebrina:
Don't worry, I saved a plant and took some cuttings of this one. It's one of my favorite trailing plants, and I may use it as a groundcover next year -- I haven't done that with it yet.
The Mexican petunia looks to be in pretty good shape:
but this Plectranthus 'Cerveza 'n Lime' that shared its pot has had it:
Interestingly, this other one that was on the deck stairs also "melted":
but this third pot which was two steps below the plant in the photo above survived with no damage:
I just can't understand this one. It can't be more cold-hardy because it's the exact same plant (they both came from cuttings of the same plant)... I wonder if the plants that were above it provided it with protection? I just don't know.
It doesn't really matter, because I've taken cuttings of this already to overwinter inside. I must grow this plant, because of it's incredible fragrance.
Luckily this cactus (I've never bothered to research its species) survived -- I had forgotten it was outside.
It would have been a shame to lose this one. I've had it for years and years (isn't that the case with most cactus plants though? I don't know anybody who has a "new" cactus -- they're all quite old) and it's starting to put on some size now.
It's always sad to see these plants go, but Spring is only 4 months (or less) away, right?

I feel for you. I always find the first frost to be the hardest because mentally I'm never quite prepared for it.